Be a better informed Netizen. Cyber crimes involves everyone and you need to be aware of what to look out for and how to protect yourself against cyber crimes. Learn about the steps that you can take to recognize cyber attacks and avoid becoming a victim of viruses, scams, phishing and ransomwares.

Get the simple steps that you can take protect yourself and share them with your family and friends.


  • Always use a unique password that uses a combination of alphabet, numbers and/or symbols
  • Do not share your password with anyone else
  • Change your password regularly
  • If you are sending classified documents via e-mail, encrypt it with a password, and send the password to the recipient in a different e-mail or other secure mediums

  • Secure your computers or devices with updated and original anti-virus softwares
  • Update it regularly to protect your computers or devices against new threats

  • Avoid sharing your classified documents or other similarly sensitive information on cloud storage that is accessible to the public
  • Always back-up all of your digital data
  • Always scan your computers or devices before using it
  • Do not leave your computers or devices unattended while it's connected to the Internet
  • Disconnect your computers or devices from the Internet after you are done
  • Keep your workspace neat and secure

  • Always be wary of suspicious e-mails or links that you receive from unverified or unknown sources
  • Double-check any information that you receive with trusted sources or relevant authorities

  • Don't misuse your official, work-related mediums such as e-mails or classified documents for your private social media account
  • Log out from your private social media account when not in use
  • Don't download or use unverified or unreliable applications
  • Don't misuse your private social media activities during working hours
  • Don't use public or unprotected WiFi connection for official use
  • Avoid making statements or comments on social media that may tarnish your personal or your organization's reputation
  • Always ensure that any usage of copyrighted information or intellectual property are permitted by its respective owners

  • Don't share your private social media account with other users
  • Always be wary of unknown individuals that contacted you in the cyber environment
  • Avoid webpages or blogs that promote scams, obscenities, seditious and defamatory contents

  • Beware of any links that you receive via e-mail, social messenger or SMS, as it could lead you to websites compromised with viruses or malwares

  • Report any incidents that involved leakage of sensitive information
  • Report any loss of official ICT assets to your organization
  • Report any instances if you received any suspicious links or e-mails to your organization
  • Report any incidents if you have been a target of cyber crimes (hacking, phishing etc.)

  • Update yourself with the latest news and updates on cyber threats locally or globally

  • Always adhere to the rules, policies, circulars or guidelines regarding cyber security in your working environment

Click here to view the 10 Cyber Safety Measures (in Bahasa Melayu) to protect yourself on the digital platform.



National Security Council
Prime Minister's Department
Level LG & G, West Wing,
Perdana Putra Building,
Federal Government Administrative Center,
62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia.


Number of Visitors Last Updated
738,912 9 October 2024