The National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) is a dedicated agency that oversees all national cyber security functions formed under the aegis of the National Security Council of Malaysia. NACSA is the lead agency that integrates the existing cyber security capabilities through a strategic and coordinated manner. NACSA gathers all identified national cyber security experts under one roof and coordinates and collaborates with its domestic and international counterparts, from both the public and private sectors.
The mandates given to NACSA are to formulate, monitor, coordinate and synchronise implementation of cyber security policy, framework and strategy to safeguard the government, the National Critical Information Infrastructure (NCII), businesses and the public at large, talent development, as well as coordination of issues on legislation and enforcement in collaboration with all the relevant entities.
For cyber security-related incident reporting, please use this link or email us at aduan[at]nacsa[dot]gov[dot]my.
For cyber security-related awareness materials, please use email us at admin[at]nacsa[dot]gov[dot]my.
FAQ Licensing of Cyber Security Service Provider
If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please send an email to admin[at]nacsa[dot]gov[dot]my with your enquiry and we will get in touch with you shortly.